Do You Want to Follow Jesus?
There are many ways to approach Jesus. We can approach him formally or informally, but sincerity is required. A desire to encounter Him, as He is.
We might pray with a friend who knows Jesus.
We might go forward at a service and ask to pray with the speaker or one of the worship leaders.
A prayer like this:
“I recognize that I need You, God. I have been going my own way. Now I want to follow you, Jesus. By the power of your Holy Spirit, I commit my life to you. Please take over my life and set me free.”
A classic way to understand the good news of Jesus is found in Paul’s letter to the new Christians who gathered in Rome in the first century.
Often referred to as the Romans Road to Salvation, it lays out the Problem, the Consequence, the Solution, the Response, and the Assurance.
The Romans Road to Salvation
The Problem
Romans 3:23 – All have sinned.
The Consequence
Romans 6:23 – The penalty of sin is death.
The Solution
Romans 5:8 – Jesus died for us, paying our penalty.
The Response
Romans 10:9-10 – Believe and declare, “Jesus is Lord.”
The Assurance
Romans 10:13 – Call on the Lord, and you will be saved.
Two More Resources
A Song
All are welcome
Our food pantry is open the last Sunday of every month from 1:00-3:00.
We are here
1101 E Colorado Ave., Urbana, IL 61801